Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"I hold my head high because there are too many people that would kill to see me fall."

I'm Maria . I'm outgoing, random and I love to smile. You'll either hate me or love me. There's not really an in between with me. I love my family to death and i Love to have a good time. Yet, i'm very complicated. I'm the kind of odd girl that loves sports specially combat ones such as muay thai, kickboxing, etc and, yet I'm the kind of girl who doesn't go anywhere without a set of high heels, her cell phone, or a wardrobe change. I live life to the fullest and I truly believe that we only have one shot, so why not make it the best it can be?

We'll deal with the after effects later. Living life in the moment and taking risks whether they're good, or bad, or just spur of the moment, lead to success.
The scared, the timid and the meek don't make headlines.
To have a life, you have to live it and sometimes the road less travelled is the one that people wish to have the courage to take.

I'm self confident. It may rub off as cocky or conceited.
I'm not afraid of you, your opinion or anything that could try to belittle me.
As far as beliefs go, I follow my beliefs, I follow my own road and even though the high heels fit me a little differently than you, it's the walk that makes the person.
I've got 10,000 dreams and even more ambition and I'm quite confident that no one can tell me if I'm worthy of living. I've lived, I'm living and I will live.. MY LIFE.

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